Two of my photos have been selected for use in the Lubbock Science Spectrum’s new exhibit, Butterflies Alive!
Being from Houston, you start to take things like butterflies for granted. There’s really never a shortage of them throughout the year if you know where to look (and if you’re just lazy, there’s always the Cockrell Butterfly Center or Moody Gardens in Galveston). But up here in Lubbock where things of a brightly colored nature are very much seasonal occurrences, seeing a gaggle of butterflies (is that right? A gaggle?) is hard to come by.
This exhibit plans to change all that by slowly releasing an astonishing three million butterflies into the environment over the next four months, dramatically altering the landscape of Lubbock.
Okay, so that’s not true at all unless something at the exhibit goes horribly, horribly awry, but it should prove to be an amazing exhibit nonetheless!
Come check out the exhibit (which should be a great place for photos) running from March 9th through June 12th. Click the banner below for more info!
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