Yes, I’m coining my own hashtag just for this post. #tb2014 (but yeah, a quick search shows that many, many others are already using this tag, so whatever). So much has happened over the last year that summing it all up in a single post would be nearly impossible (for the average reader to trudge through), and yet here we are. I’ll keep it short, though.
To the women in my life
To the women in my life,
my child,
my wife
gave me no better adviceRead More
Hands full
It feels like I’ve been going nonstop over the last week with the newest addition to the family. Being our first, she’s been a lot to get used to. Constant diaper changes and severe sleep deprivation (only exacerbated by my own nightly restlessness) have taken their toll, but at last we’ve started to find our groove. A pattern has been established, a routine in the works. Sleep, I look forward to seeing you again.Read More
Butterflies Alive!
I recently had the pleasure of checking out the Butterflies Alive! exhibit at the Lubbock Science Spectrum and, while I can’t say I was blown away with the presentation, it was certainly a lot of fun.Read More
Science Spectrum Butterflies Alive Exhibit
Two of my photos have been selected for use in the Lubbock Science Spectrum’s new exhibit, Butterflies Alive!
Being from Houston, you start to take things like butterflies for granted. There’s really never a shortage of them throughout the year if you know where to look (and if you’re just lazy, there’s always the Cockrell Butterfly Center or Moody Gardens in Galveston). But up here in Lubbock where things of a brightly colored nature are very much seasonal occurrences, seeing a gaggle of butterflies (is that right? A gaggle?) is hard to come by.Read More