

March 5, 2015

Behind the Scenes – The Ice Queen

It’s been pretty cold up here for the past few weeks. Like really, really cold. Finally all the ice seems to be melting (only to snow all over again).

So what’s up with all this late winter??? Oh well, not going to complain too much because it’s given me a chance to do a winter-themed composite piece using a lot of the icy remnants. So here’s a little behind the scenes look at my recent composite work, aptly titled The Ice Queen.Read More

February 26, 2014

Just plain ethereal

This is what happens when I start working on something before I have a clear idea in my head (which I generally don’t like doing). I’ve never been one to “freestyle,” so to speak. Sure, it’s liberating to grab a piece of marble and just start hacking away at it (this metaphor is not meant to belittle the work of master or even amateur sculptors so much as to convey my absolute lack of knowledge related to the craft), but it’s a practice I’ve never felt completely comfortable with.

This one started off as a simple levitation experiment before taking a rather oddly spiritual turn.

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February 10, 2014

Hands full

It feels like I’ve been going nonstop over the last week with the newest addition to the family. Being our first, she’s been a lot to get used to. Constant diaper changes and severe sleep deprivation (only exacerbated by my own nightly restlessness) have taken their toll, but at last we’ve started to find our groove. A pattern has been established, a routine in the works. Sleep, I look forward to seeing you again.Read More