Yeah, I guess that’s technically where I was. Last weekend was camping with the boys out near Fayettville and Columbus, TX. A friend of a friend of a brother’s fiance’s uncle’s brother’s family owns some land out there, so we packed up (or other people did) and we headed out for a raucous weekend full of shooting, grilling, bonding, and (unfortunately) getting Loko’d.Read More
Waiting for a Meatier Meteor Shower
“Eventually you plan to have dinosaurs in your, uh, dinosaur tour. Right? Hello? Hello? Yes?”
I felt a lot like Ian Malcolm last Saturday night, craning my neck up to the sky for three hours waiting for meteors. While we saw a handful over the time we were there, nothing was too impressive (especially nothing I actually managed to capture).Read More
Goofing Off – Lightpainting Portraits
The importance of goofing off is something that never really gets expounded upon, which is just sad. A lot of the time, it’s even frowned upon. But I think goofing off, like most things in life, is good when used in moderation (and downright valuable at times). This is especially important when it comes to doing what you love for a living. The saying goes, “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” That’s awesome for the 2% of people this applies to, but I (like the majority of people, I’d wager) get tired/bored/frustrated sometimes even doing the things I love. It just happens.Read More
Sitting on the Dock of the Bay
At Max’s urgings, I went back and looked at these long-exposures that I took while we were hanging out on the dock at Buffalo Springs Lake earlier this month. I’m actually a little surprised they turned out pretty good. Usually, my D90 doesn’t like extreme low light or long exposures too much, but the noise and color distortion is rather minimal in these.Read More
Fireworks – First Attempt
Having never shot fireworks before (at least with a DSLR), I didn’t have super high expectations, so I was pleasantly surprised with how well my first attempt went.
Of course, it didn’t hurt that we spent the entire evening out at Buffalo Springs Lake with friends on an absolutely beautiful night.Read More
Photo of the day
So I’ve recently started taking Trey Ratcliff’sHDR Tutorial and have been itching to get out and take some photos. We’ve been having some gnarly weather here between the cold and the extreme winds, but I braved the elements this evening to venture out and snap some shots of the technology building across the street. Keeping the camera/tripod stable was a challenge, but I think the results turned out quite good.Read More